We believe God's love and welcome extends to everyone. No exceptions! At St. Mark's, we are committed to diversity and inclusion. Each Sunday, our priest says these words to invite everyone to communion at our altar:
This is the Lord's table. If you have great faith, or you have little faith, you are welcome. If you have been here often, or if you have never been here before, you are welcome. If you have tried to follow, or if you have failed, you are welcome. It's the Lord who invites you. You can meet him here.
Our Sunday worship services are at 8am and 10am We offer a nursery school for children up to 3 years old and Sunday School for children up to 6th grade.
Sermon: Does God Love the World?
Sermon Text: Does God Love the World?
A pastor once said to me, "God does not love the world."
I was in high school when I heard him say this. A few weeks ago, I did Show & Tell with this New Testament. A pastor gave me this hardcover copy of the New Testament when I was a junior. I sometimes went with my friends to the youth group in his church. I told you about it a few weeks ago.
But the same pastor said something that directly contradicts this book. He said, "God doesn't love the world. God OFFERS his love to the world, but God doesn't love the world."
Now, I think he said that because he was a strict Dutch Calvinist. That is a strict, and somewhat strange, form of Christian faith. In my opinion, it's not a very nice one. And even in high school, I had read enough of the New Testament to know that he was wrong.