Sermon Text: A Sermon for Easter DayI know I’m unusual – or maybe weird.
I like to learn things by heart. There are lots of Scripture passages I have memorized. And there are lots of other texts I know by heart. I do a daily exercise walk, and I mutter to myself the whole time. If people get close, they must think I’m a crazy person as I mumble to myself. It’s not just Bible texts. I have also memorized lines my daughter has come out with. Though she is mentally disabled, she’s also weirdly brilliant. I call her “the Baby Buddha.” Some of her words make up what I call “The Gospel According to Marie.” One of my favorites is something she said almost 20 years ago. For the first time, she used a special name for me, one she still uses. She said, “Lighten up, Godboy!” If anyone has gone through darkness, my Marie has. If anyone has been handed limitations by life, my Marie has. If anyone knows that life can be scary and life can be hard, she does. And yet she can say, “Lighten up, Godboy!” There is darkness, there is hardship, there is tragedy. My Marie has experienced more than her share – and in the bad old days, passed it on to others. And yet she can say, “Lighten up, Godboy!” Jesus of Nazareth lived a life of love. But the forces of darkness gathered around him. The authorities killed him. Three days later, he rose from death. Lighten up, Godboy – love is alive! Mary Magdalene loved Jesus and he loved her. But they killed him and broke her heart. Three days later, he appeared to her face to face. Lighten up, Godboy – love is alive! Christianity is not first and foremost about doctrines and beliefs. Christianity is not mainly about morality. Christianity is not really a set of rules. Christianity is about resurrection. Lighten up, Godboy – love is alive! You and I have our troubles. Darkness comes into our lives all too often. Everyone we meet is fighting a hard battle. But Easter always comes, even after a long winter. Lighten up, Godboy – love is alive! People we love get sick. People we love get into trouble. People we love die on us. But that’s not the last word – resurrection is the last word. Lighten up, Godboy – love is alive! When you can’t stand the news on TV anymore, remember this. When the world looks like it’s going to hell in a handbasket, remember this. When the darkness is so bad, you can’t see your hand in front of your face, remember this. Christ, the Lord of Love, is risen! Lighten up, Godboy – love is alive! My wife is the smartest person I know. She believes that love is the greatest power in the universe. She convinced me. Sorrow and pain do not get the last word. Death is not the last word. The last word is love. Lighten up, Godboy – love is alive! Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia! |
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